Movie Night: 卧虎藏龙 Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon
Friday, May 10, 2019 19:00 to 21:00 GoEast Shanghai Library Campus, Lane 147 Yongfu Road, Building 63 Floor 2, Xuhui District
Price: ¥24 - 30
Friday, May 10, 2019 19:00 to 21:00
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GoEast Language Center
GoEast Language Center
Views: 1,769
"A timeless story of strength, secrets and two warriors who would never surrender."
Join GoEast for a screening of the modern classic martial arts movie Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon from award-winning director Ang Lee. We'll show you the real bamboo forest where the iconic fight scenes were filmed and share some info about Anji安吉 (Ānjí). You can even visit them with us on our upcoming Spring trip (exclusive to GoEast students).
Campus: Shanghai Library Campus
Language: Chinese with English subtitles
Movie Length: 120 minutes
Price: 30 rmb (24rmb for GoEast students)
*Snacks and drinks will be provided
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Personal and professional modern language training