Glug Beijing #4: April 27 at the Taco Bar!
2015年4月27日 星期一 19:00 至 22:00 The Taco Bar (Sanlitun), Courtyard 4, Gongti Bei Lu. (Adjoining the right side of Home Plate BBQ). 北京市朝阳区工体北路4号院北京机电院内(中国银行对面, Home Plate BBQ旁)The Taco Bar
价格: 免费 - ¥60
浏览: 3,803
Glug is an event for the design and creative community. Based around a series of talks accompanied by a series of alcoholic drinks.
Come! Be intoxicated and inspired, you’re also bound to make some new contacts, friends and maybe even find that next job/contract/lover. In Glug #4, we'll chat about “The Artist, the Advertiser”, we think that art is fundamentally tied to creativity, and therefore fundamentally tied to Glug. We don’t want to just arrange an event that’s all about marketing, business and commerce whilst ignoring the basic elements that drive what we do.
Our speakers come from different corners within the creative industry and they will tell you about this topic that addresses art for art’s sake, as well as art for business sake.
Come, grab a drink, and be a part of this age old discussion, “The Artist, The Advertiser“
Time: April 27th, Monday 19:00-22:00
The Taco Bar (Sanlitun), Courtyard 4, Gongti Bei Lu. (Adjoining the right side of Home Plate BBQ).
北京市朝阳区工体北路4号院北京机电院内(中国银行对面, Home Plate BBQ旁)The Taco Bar
Language: English
Ticket: 60 RMB including one drink (we do not provide Fapiao for this ticket, cash only for payment at door)
1. "Art in Advertising or Advertising in Art?"
by Jean-Charles Penot - Creative director, Artist
French designer Jean-Charles Penot shares his experiences in artistic creativity and advertising design. As well as bringing a specially designed light installation named the "Glugosarus". Yep, that's happening.
2. "How to Die an Artist"
by Philipp Cerny - Head of development at PAE Pictures
Even the most unlikely of us, no matter what personality or industry can be artists in their own right, the question is how to remind ourselves that art lives in everything and how to bring out that artist within us.
3. "Dimensionalism"
by Adam Neate - Dimensional Painter, UK
How can painting remain relevant in the digital age?
4. "Am I a Sellout?"
by Kin Hong - Owner, The Taco Bar
The grey area of the restauranteur. Artist or Entrepreneur?
Any questions, please email