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Sign Up - Mental Health Support Group in Beijing

价格: ¥30 - 88

2020年1月1日 星期三 09:00 至 2025年12月31日 星期三 18:00
主办方: CandleX 更多活动

价格: ¥30 - 88

Sign Up - Mental Health Support Group in Beijing

2020年1月1日 星期三 09:00 至 2025年12月31日 星期三 18:00 活动地点将会在报名成功后通知

价格: ¥30 - 88

时间 地点

2020年1月1日 星期三 09:00 至 2025年12月31日 星期三 18:00

活动地点将会在报名成功后通知 活动地点将会在报名成功后通知


主办方 联系主办方




CandleX was born on April 1st 2015 in Beijing. The organization was founded by Xiaojie QIN who has been working with International Non-Profit Organizations in China since 2008, and has a strong personal concern and care for our social mental well-being.




CandleX has the overall objective to increase awareness and knowledge of depression and bi-polar disorder, reduce social stigma attached, and to provide social support for those who are experiencing depression, mania and/or anxiety.



The international community in Beijing including expats and English speaking Chinese.



Respect – People with mental health problems and/or mental illness are treated with dignity and respect.

Diversity – The unique needs and circumstances of people from diverse backgrounds are acknowledged.

Participation-The participation of our audience across all aspects of the project is acknowledged and encouraged as fundamental to building good mental health and to enriching community life.

Leading – People with mental health problems and/or mental illness are engaged in advocating and leading mental health developments in the community.




CandleX’s intervention model is built in line with the international mental health interventional model, positioning ourselves at the bottom two layers serving the largest scale of the general population: universal prevention interventions, and selective preventative interventions.




Provide Social Support:

1. We established an English Speaking Peer Support Group for people with depression, bi-polar disorders, anxiety and those who are going through difficult situations in life;

2. We introduce tools to build up mental resilience, eg. Emotional wellbeing workhops, improving the social environment for people with depression through scaled campaign.

Awareness Raising on mental health and public education

through community events: We conduct presentations, speeches, movie screenings and workshops on depression and bi-polar disorders in high schools, local community groups, embassies, government agencies and companies, etc; We design and implement campaign projects that engage media, key individuals, counselors, patients, and community members to increase awareness on depression via interactive and artistic approaches.

Through online media: We produce Candlex media productions including videos, documentaries on depression; run Candlex columns of “My Story with Depression” and “Classroom” to engage community members to share their story and develop coherent curriculums to educate the public; we actively engage media to report on depression by attending TV interviews and newspaper/magazines interviews, etc. 






浏览: 2,553

Moving to a new country, going through a breakup, losing a job, or living with mental conditions are very challenging. Yet, there’s no reason to suffer alone when one can choose to join hands with others and let the power of connection and group support encourage and heal us.


In the absence of such social support in Beijing, CandleX established the peer support group in October, 2015, with the goal to provide psychosocial support to Beijing community. It provides a safe and supportive environment for people living in Beijing to share personal thoughts and experiences in small, confidential gatherings.


To understand this project, or if you’d like to read our 1st, 2nd and 3rd year support group review, please visit https://www.candlex.cn/mental-health-support-group.



Key Information

  • Participants: Our support group meetings are for people living with mental health conditions such as depression, anxiety or suicide ideation. The support group is especially effective for newcomers who find themselves in a situation of lacking social support, experiencing shame and guilt of having depression or people who present an elevated risk of mental illness.
  • Time: 19:30-21:00 every second and fourth Tuesday of the month (in-person)
  • Location: Near dongdaqiao (details will be communicated via wechat after 4 pm, the day before each meeting)
  • Language: English
  • Max number: 7 people each session
  • Fee: 88rmb, 30rmb for students, financial aid is available for those going through financial difficulties
  • Confirmation: Support Group coordinator will reach out via private message to confirm your registration after screening and payment



Peer Group Principles

  • We gather to share our stories and feelings, help and give each other emotional support when dealing with the difficult emotions,recognize the importance of tending to and promote our own self-care. We use guided meditation and breathing exercises to create safe, peaceful and comfortable environment for sharing.
  • We shall not be held responsible for group member’s safety. We all are peers. There are no professionals in this group. CandleX will not be responsible for people engaging in self-harm or suicidal ideations. By signing up to the peer support group, I understand and agree to release CandleX and its staff or volunteers from any or all liability connected to my own participation, including but not limited to any forms of self-harm or suicide.
  • Confidentiality: All information shared with the group is strictly confidential. All new participants will need to register first for eligibility screening. Some information related to the group dynamics and facilitation may be used for an internal debrief between facilitators and the Support Group manager to improve the quality of sessions and to empower others to set up support groups during facilitator’s training.
  • No graphic description of suicide, self-harm and death as it may trigger some of the attendees.
  • Please note that this is a Peer Support Group, there will be one facilitator throughout the session to monitor the progress of each session and facilitate group interactions, no professional therapists will be attending. 
  • We have a WeChat group (that you may join after attending at least one meeting) where you would be informed of Beijing community mental health events, as well as other information that might be helpful for your recovery.
  • If you have any concerns or feedback of the support group, we welcome you to let us know by emailing it to xiaojie.qin@candlex.cn. The concern would be handled sensitively directly by CandleX’s director.






CandleX was born on April 1st 2015 in Beijing. The organization was founded by Xiaojie QIN who has been working with International Non-Profit Organizations in China since 2008, and has a strong personal concern and care for our social mental well-being.




CandleX has the overall objective to increase awareness and knowledge of depression and bi-polar disorder, reduce social stigma attached, and to provide social support for those who are experiencing depression, mania and/or anxiety.



The international community in Beijing including expats and English speaking Chinese.



Respect – People with mental health problems and/or mental illness are treated with dignity and respect.

Diversity – The unique needs and circumstances of people from diverse backgrounds are acknowledged.

Participation-The participation of our audience across all aspects of the project is acknowledged and encouraged as fundamental to building good mental health and to enriching community life.

Leading – People with mental health problems and/or mental illness are engaged in advocating and leading mental health developments in the community.




CandleX’s intervention model is built in line with the international mental health interventional model, positioning ourselves at the bottom two layers serving the largest scale of the general population: universal prevention interventions, and selective preventative interventions.




Provide Social Support:

1. We established an English Speaking Peer Support Group for people with depression, bi-polar disorders, anxiety and those who are going through difficult situations in life;

2. We introduce tools to build up mental resilience, eg. Emotional wellbeing workhops, improving the social environment for people with depression through scaled campaign.

Awareness Raising on mental health and public education

through community events: We conduct presentations, speeches, movie screenings and workshops on depression and bi-polar disorders in high schools, local community groups, embassies, government agencies and companies, etc; We design and implement campaign projects that engage media, key individuals, counselors, patients, and community members to increase awareness on depression via interactive and artistic approaches.

Through online media: We produce Candlex media productions including videos, documentaries on depression; run Candlex columns of “My Story with Depression” and “Classroom” to engage community members to share their story and develop coherent curriculums to educate the public; we actively engage media to report on depression by attending TV interviews and newspaper/magazines interviews, etc. 


